
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Neuromuscular massage therapy is a specialized form of muscle-based therapy that employs techniques such as neuromuscular facilitation and re-education, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and deep tissue massage to restore proper neurological function, ease muscle tension and alleviate pain

This therapeutic approach targets muscle imbalances and dysfunctions, aiming to improve range of motion, enhance postural mechanics, and re-coordinate gait patterns. By addressing these issues, neuromuscular massage therapy helps to reduce pain, which is often the primary concern for clients seeking treatment. 

To maintain the benefits of improved function, the therapy often incorporates personalized recommendations for home exercises, stretching routines, and nutritional guidance, ensuring continued progress beyond the therapy session.

Science Behind Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Research helps us understand the "why" behind the techniques we use in neuromuscular massage therapy, giving us a deeper insight into how they affect the body. This knowledge not only improves the quality of care but also sparks innovation, pushing the field forward with new methods and better results for clients.

  • This study found that comprehensive massage therapy significantly improved function, reduced pain intensity, and decreased pain quality in patients with subacute low-back pain, outperforming other treatment methods.

    You can read the full study here.

  • Recent studies have shown that neuromuscular therapy combined with myofascial release techniques offers exceptional results for patients dealing with shoulder pain, particularly in conditions like subacromial impingement syndrome. A 2021 study found that these techniques significantly reduced pain, increased muscle strength, and improved range of motion. Combining the therapies led to greater functional improvements, especially in shoulder flexion and muscle strength (Sadiq & Khan, 2021).

    You can read the full study here.

  • This study concludes that the combined use of Muscle Energy Technique (MET) and posture correction exercises is significantly more effective than neck range of motion exercises alone in treating non-specific chronic neck pain in individuals with forward head posture. The findings support the inclusion of MET in treatment plans for patients with this condition.

    You can read the full study here.

  • This study investigated the effects of massage therapy on chronic tension headaches, with participants receiving targeted massage for neck and shoulder muscles. The results showed that massage significantly reduced headache frequency within the first week of treatment, with continued improvements throughout the study. While the duration of headaches tended to decrease, and some subjects experienced reduced headache intensity, the change in intensity was not statistically significant. The findings suggest that massage therapy, particularly targeting muscle trigger points, can be an effective non pharmacological intervention for reducing chronic tension headache frequency and duration. . 

    You can read the full study here.

  • This randomized study compared the effects of massage therapy versus guided relaxation on stress and well-being in adults aged 60 and older. Participants received either 50-minute massage sessions (incorporating Swedish, neuromuscular, and myofascial techniques) or guided relaxation sessions twice a week for 4 weeks. Results showed that massage therapy significantly improved anxiety, depression, vitality, general health, positive well-being, and reduced stress perception compared to guided relaxation.

    You can read the full study here.

  • A recent article was published examining the connection between probiotics and muscle health, specifically in relation to reducing the risk of sarcopenia. Increase your probiotics by home fermentation!

    You can read the full study here.